We’re Not Called to Change Our City, We’re Called to Serve It






48 minutes

Serving is love in action. We believe God will change our city as we serve it. The heart of VOUS is to take the message of Jesus outside of the four walls of our church building. No matter where you are, there’s a community around you waiting to encounter the love of Jesus. Tune in as our VOUS Care team shares what we’ve learned about serving our city over the years. 

We’re Not Called to Change Our City, We’re Called to Serve It




48 minutes

Serving is love in action. We believe God will change our city as we serve it. The heart of VOUS is to take the message of Jesus outside of the four walls of our church building. No matter where you are, there’s a community around you waiting to encounter the love of Jesus. Tune in as our VOUS Care team shares what we’ve learned about serving our city over the years.