August 22, 2024
5 min read

Worship As One: Striving for Unity

As people called to lead others into the presence of God, we understand the vitalness of establishing a secret place of worship. An intimate praise between you and your Father. Our leadership, and our unity, will be an overflow of this place.

We all know that being on any type of team means that discords, frustrations, and misunderstandings are prone to happen. Yes, even on the team that leads us in worship. So how do we keep a spirit of unity on our worship team? What are practical and intentional we maintain unity? We interviewed Blake Buckman, a key leader in our worship space, and here is what he had to say about staying united.


At VOUS our mission statement is “to bring those who are far from God close to him.” 

What comes to mind when you hear the word unity?

It is understanding we are not the same. Not having an army of yes men or yes women, but rallying around the same goal which is to lead people into the presence of God. Diversity of opinion makes our team better, but most important is that we all know the main goal. If we don’t have clarity on that, we cannot operate from a place of unity. 

Why is it important to be united with those you worship alongside?

When we are not united it is obvious. When there is a common goal, everything else flows from our mission as a church, going into the night, bringing people that are far from God close to him. We are not here to put on a show. There is no room for pride or performance. We have the blessing of helping others proclaim the goodness of God.

What are practical ways the team strives for unison? 

Constant reminders of why. Not one Sunday should go by without giving God praise and honoring the teams that make it possible. One of the values at VOUS is to honor people. When we have our goal clear of having God as the center of it all, and valuing people, all will flow smoothly.


As a church we recently grew from 3 locations, to a 4-location church. As anything grows, it can be hard to maintain connection.

How do you maintain community across 4 locations?

Our model shifted this year. Prior to being at 4 locations, we had one central team — a pool of servant leaders. We would pick from that pool both vocalists and musicians and send them to different locations while honoring preferences as much as possible. This year we saw an immediate need to shift and create rosters for location-based teams. We believe you should be planted where you serve and create community where you worship. We're already seeing the fruit of this shift as we develop four strong location based teams.

What are some team activities your team does which you believe are most effective?

Gathering and breaking bread together. We also do team nights. Team night is a night where we have fun, recharge, and train. Training consists of tips for vocalists, technicalities for musicians, or even leadership reviews on how to talk through a service. It’s important to get to know each other outside the space we worship in, so I would say going out with the team to eat is effective. At least once a month we aim to gather outside the church walls and get to know each other on a different level.


Though many individuals, we are part of one body. Scripture reminds usBut in fact God has placed the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be. If they were all one part, where would the body be? As it is, there are many parts, but one body." (1 Corinthians 12:18-20)

With so many voices, how does VOUS organize worship sets, events, and practices? What does planning look like?

Planning sets and events comes directly from our worship staff. Although we run location based teams, our worship sets across locations remain the same (minus one song for the playback buffer at locations receiving the live feed). We have the very best team that understands we have a common goal. Opinions and suggestions are always welcomed, but sets and plans are disseminated from the staff team in collaboration with our pastors to the rest of the teams.

What does practice look like?

We don’t have midweek practices or rehearsals. Everyone is responsible to practice at home, and on Sundays we rehearse what we’ve already practiced. We have a platform (Planning Center Online) where individuals see the set they need to practice inclusive of chords and music arrangements.

How do you handle discord?

By handling it. The first step is identifying whether there is a discord. If you avoid it, then you are not handling it.

Unity is key. 1 Corinthians 1:10 reminds us, "I appeal to you, brothers and sisters, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another in what you say and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly united in mind and thought." Applying this to our churches takes intentionality. It’s easier said then done, so creating systems that honor what scripture tells us gives us a fool proof way to actively seek unity.

We must not just be one with our teammates, but one with Jesus. Just as VOUS team members individually practice and then come together to rehearse, the same applies to our intimacy with God. As people called to lead others into the presence of God, we understand the vitalness of establishing a secret place of worship. An intimate praise between you and your Father. Our leadership, and our unity, will be an overflow of this place.

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