Lead With Grace, But Not Sacrifice Truth



Rich Wilkerson Jr.


Pastors Judah and Chelsea Smith



50 Minutes

Dr. Warren Wiersbe once said, “Truth without love is brutality and truth without love is hypocrisy.” We are called to lead with grace and truth, but we often choose one and forsake the other. In this breakout, Pastor Rich Wilkerson Jr. and Pastors Judah and Chelsea Smith discuss how we can encourage and sharpen our teams with grace and truth together.

Lead With Grace, But Not Sacrifice Truth




50 Minutes

Dr. Warren Wiersbe once said, “Truth without love is brutality and truth without love is hypocrisy.” We are called to lead with grace and truth, but we often choose one and forsake the other. In this breakout, Pastor Rich Wilkerson Jr. and Pastors Judah and Chelsea Smith discuss how we can encourage and sharpen our teams with grace and truth together.