September 12, 2024
5 min read

Lights, Camera, Collaboration: Insights Into the Stage Design Process

When the mission is clear and our hearts are surrendered to God we are able to accomplish the impossible through Him, in collaboration with Him and those he places around us. The task of creating is not easy, but the spirit of collaboration allows ease and success Sunday to Sunday and SZN to SZN.

Jonathan Perez

While the creative process can be fun and exciting, creating new strong concepts each season is no easy task. (For more on the SZN model at VOUS check out this article.) There is much work that goes into bringing an idea to life. Let's talk through the stages that provide the Sunday to Sunday and SZN to SZN feel at VOUS. From gathering references, to planning, building and displaying the final product.

Stage 1 — Concepts

If you've ever been to a live service at VOUS you'll notice the lights shine bright throughout worship. You've probably also noticed that the stage design is cohesive with the creative designs displayed on LEDs, environmental installs, and digital platforms. We aim for all elements of our environmental areas to be cohesive. Alongside our digital presentation, our stage design changes from SZN to SZN, every 4 months.

The initial stages of bringing an idea to life starts off with inspiration. We don't limit who has a say on bringing ideas to the table. We have an open chat where our lighting and stage design teams are  welcomed to drop references. Ideas come from many directions such as and not limited to: art, nature, pictures, fashion, online sources, physical designs, sculptures, and our favorite: the Bible. Many seasons are inspired by either the collection of talks, the vision for the year or a touch from the Holy Spirit to move in a certain direction. All this is done in collaboration with the Creative Department. The design team often times leads has already gathered references for their work that help to also guide the stage design process. This stage of concept creation is the most dynamic and longest part of the process.

SZN 3 Stage Design Reference

Stage 2 — Planning

Once the inspiration that best fits the SZN is decided on the planning begins. For planning purposes we use a 3D rendering system called SketchUp. This rendering system allows us to bring the concept to a 3D virtual world, before bringing it to the physical world. This helps us see visually what was just an idea. This portion of planning involves creating and re-creating each concept in our 4 different locations. Each location has a different physical stage and therefore this system allows us to see the possibilities within each space accounting for the different constraints represented. Although each location is different we aim to have a cohesiveness across locations. At times the concept may need to be revisited if it doesn't fit to the spaces.

We start with the location that is most complex, and represents the most constraints, because if we can make it work there, then normally it can work elsewhere. After we've been able to create the concept in the virtual world, adding color and thinking through materials, we send it off for approvals from our leadership team and pastors. Once the final approval is given, design stops, and we start thinking and planning for the next phase. The building phase. We must now reach out to vendors, contractors, or see about sourcing materials ourselves. We talk through finances and start rallying different teams for collaboration on building and displaying.

With that comes a project plan that we lay out creating a timeline to accomplish the build and in preparation to display the new design by the new SZN.

SZN 3 Stage Design Renders

Stage 3 — Building + Display

The final stage is sending out that timeline and gathering the team. This may be the shorter of the stages but requires many hands. We only have 6 days to complete the build at all 4 locations. The Sunday night before "display Sunday" we tear down all the current build to leave a blank slate and start building during the week.

Final Stage Design

Ultimately we try to create a welcoming and distraction free environment through lighting and stage design. All this requires the efforts and collaboration of many.

Philippians 2:2-4 says:

fulfill my joy by being like-minded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind. Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.

With so many pouring into the creation of a concept it can be hard to let go of ideas and settle for one, but we read through God's word that He calls us to unity. He calls us to be of one mind and one accord. At VOUS at the end of the day the mission is simple: to bring those far from God close to him. When the mission is clear and our hearts are surrendered to God we are able to accomplish the impossible through Him, in collaboration with Him and those he places around us. The task of creating is not easy, but the spirit of collaboration allows ease and success Sunday to Sunday and SZN to SZN.

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