August 1, 2024
5 min read

Inside VOUSCon: Environments

Intentionally creating spaces that cater to all of our senses helps establish something memorable.


Environments are a central part of every VOUS event. From a Sunday service to a seasonal event for our teams, we recognize that guest experience is key.

The environment plays a vital role in building a full, complete experience at any given moment. Intentionally creating spaces that cater to all of our senses helps establish something memorable. Not only does the environment play a part in connecting guests, it serves as an opportunity to be creative, ultimately pointing to the image of our Creator. 

VOUSCon is no different. Our Environments Team gives great care to the time, details, and final execution of every environmental space at Con. Check out this runway of high-priority items in the environments timeline, as well as some key spaces we get to dream up each year at Con.


  • Develop concepts for installs for internal and external ministries: Leadership with Rich, Mature Me podcast, Friends and Family, Home is Always a Journey Podcast, VOUSCon, VOUS College, VOUS Girl, VOUS Worship


  • Present concepts and renders for approval


  • Adjust concepts that have not been approved
  • Present concepts for the VOUS Expo
  • Source items and begin populating budget
  • Begin monthly meetings with Environments Team Leads and Servant Leaders


  • Adjust concepts that have not been approved
  • Begin contacting vendors
  • Source items and begin to populating budget


  • All environments concepts that are pending approval are finalized
  • Build the Environments Workshop Night timeline
  • Finalize vendors
  • Begin renting/purchasing needed items

May – June

  • Purchase all supplies needed for Environment Workshop Night projects.
  • Host Environments Workshop Nights
  • Complete any outstanding projects

Environments Workshop Nights

For three consecutive Wednesdays leading up to Con week, we hosted Environments Workshop Nights. We ordered dinner and gathered a team of incredible Servant Leaders to help construct and build installs. These nights set us up for a win during load-in, minimizing the work we had to do in the days before Con started. Each night had a different focus.

Night One: VOUSCon Expo, VOUS Girl install, VOUSCon install, Home Is Always a Journey, and VOUSCon merch checkout stations.

Night Two: VOUS College install, VOUS Worship install, and continue remaining projects from night one.

Night Three: Finishing any remaining projects.

While so much of Con happens in the arena, there are spaces outside of the arena that are just as vital to the overall Con experience. We ideate spaces that uphold the same theme throughout Con, each space serves a different purpose. Some of our key Con spaces are listed below.


The Concourse is an extension of the arena experience. It provides people an opportunity to engage with what they hear from stage. Our hope is that VOUSCon guests get equipped and resourced with next steps they hear from the in-arena programming. Some key environment spaces in the Concourse:

Program Sponsors: Compassion International, Samaritan’s Purse, and One Hope.

VOUS Brands: Leadership with Rich, VOUS Friends + Family, Mature Me podcast, and Home Is Always a Journey podcast.

Mature Me Podcast Install Render

Home Is Always a Journey Podcast Install Render
Leadership with Rich Install Render


The Expo is designed to create meaningful touchpoints for people to connect and continue the conversation. It differs from the Concourse – while the Concourse is dedicated to giving something to guests, the Expo allows an exchange to take place. Some of our key Expo activations included:

  • Food and coffee from sponsors
  • VOUS College install and VCOM Program Exploration Lunch
  • Church partner booths – a space for church leaders to connect and meet future support systems
  • VOUSCon merch
  • Places to sit and linger

VOUSCon Merch Display Render

VOUS College Install Render

VOUS Worship Install Render

Workshops and Lunch + Learns

Where our large gatherings become smaller spaces of conversation. Key leaders, teachers, and speakers host our workshops and Lunch + Learns, bringing insight and wisdom around all kinds of topics – spiritual formation, creativity, relationships, leadership, and more. With workshops taking place simultaneously in several rooms, we wanted each space to feel cohesive across the board.

Workshop / Lunch + Learn Mockup

Workshop / Lunch + Learn Mockup
Workshop / Lunch + Learn Mockup

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