July 11, 2024
5 min read

A VOUSCon 2024 Reflection

Our heart is always to create meaningful connection points to make the global church feel a little smaller.


Just a few weeks ago, we wrapped VOUSCon 2024: Future Glory. We spent the weekend anchored in Romans 8:18-19: “I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed.”

Our team spends an entire year dreaming, planning, and preparing for VOUSCon. Stepping into Meeting 01 of VOUSCon is always deeply impactful — it's a marking moment to look around at everyone finally gathered in one room. Each person represents a different story, different city, different walk of life.

Every year, our team takes time to reflect on our personal experiences, as well as from a departmental perspective. We hope you take a few minutes to read some of the VOUSCon 2024 reflections from our team.

Adrian Molina, VOUS SoMi Location Director

VOUSCon just keeps getting better. While our offerings and guests might change year to year, one thing stays the same: the heart behind VOUSCon. So much of our “why” is rooted in building and connecting the global church. At the end of the day, all of us are working to reach people with the message of Jesus. Our methods might be different, but our message stays the same.

I was studying Ephesians just before Con. Ephesians 4:15-16 says, “Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ. From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.”

Ministry is both beautiful and burdensome. Every calling comes with its challenges. Coming off of VOUSCon 2024, I’m more grateful than ever to be part of the global church. With over 700 churches represented and 600 pastors and church leaders gathered at Con, I’m reminded that we aren’t in this alone – we get to do this together. We might be in all different places in the world, but I’m thankful that for one weekend in June, we get to gather in the same place, link arms with each other, and be strengthened for the assignment God has given us. 

Just like Pastor Tauren Wells said at Con, I still love the church. As you serve your community, your city, your teams, your church, please know that VOUS is behind you all the way. Keep going. Keep sowing. Keep planting. Keep showing up. If you joined us at Con, we’re praying that everything God deposited in your heart begins to take root and bear fruit.

Kat Rowse, Operations Director

One of the things I love most about VOUSCon is the journey we get to take with our teams and Team Leaders.

Across departments, we walk the road to VOUSCon together in the months leading up to Con. (For more on how we prepare our teams, you can check out this article.) Each year, we give our VOUSCon Team Leaders a gift. This year we gave Draw the Circle by Mark Batterson — a 40-day prayer challenge that encourages us to pray boldly and specifically. Many of our Team Leaders committed to praying through this book together in the weeks leading up to VOUSCon. We asked God for unity, breakthrough, salvation, freedom, peace, and more – and I believe this commitment to prayer made all the difference. 

If I were to pick just a few highlights from this year, I was most encouraged by the engagement level of our Servant Leaders. This year marked our highest Servant Leader registration and Servant Leader attendance. We began the week in strength with VOUSCon load-in. Our load-in teams set the tone for the entire weekend, working together in unity with passion and excitement for the days ahead. All of our teams truly made the hard work fun, and there was an overwhelming sense of peace and anticipation knowing that God was getting ready to move.

This was our fifth year gathering in the Watsco Arena, and I think something powerful can be said about consistency. Overall, this year’s operational flow was the smoothest it’s ever been, which is a testament to some of our seasoned leaders who have faithfully served VOUSCon over the last several years. Many already knew what to expect when it came down to seating, directing guests, flipping rooms, and ensuring an overall great experience. They could take full ownership of their spaces and team huddles while remaining flexible and pivoting when needed. Across the board, the lean-in and excellence of our teams set us up for a win.

I’m also grateful for the help we have outside of our VOUS staff and teams. With this being our fifth year in the same space, we’ve built relationships over the years with Watsco security and local police officers. We’ve been blessed to work with amazing people who were excited that VOUSCon was back at the Watsco this year. Some of the local officers shared that they choose to work VOUSCon each year so they have the opportunity to be in the room. What happens in that arena is special, and I’m always impacted when I hear stories of the impact of VOUS in our city.

There’s a holy momentum that follows VOUSCon weekend. Instead of hosting VOUSCon Sunday at the Watsco, we went back to our locations for Sunday services this year. It was incredible to host VOUSCon guests who traveled from around the world at our four church locations.

Every breakthrough, every conversation, every salvation, every baptism is a reminder that the work is so worth the investment. So much of this goes back to the prayers that were sown leading up to Con. Being united in prayer and standing in faith together created a pathway for the Holy Spirit to show up. We had already surrendered all of Con to Him, and we got to see Him move in a mighty way. 

Luke Peterson, Production Director

Every year, VOUSCon presents an opportunity to think outside of the box. From a production point of view, it’s always exciting to take on a project of this size. 

One of our staff values is to remain flexible. How do we manage the tension triggered by new ideas, innovation, and change? God often gives us the “what” before He gives the “how.” We are not intimidated by a big vision – we run towards God-dreams and put our faith in action. In order to be flexible we have to constantly stretch. We embrace the stretch and the tension that change brings. With an event like Con, we see this value constantly at play within our Production Department. Year after year, our team stretches and grows as we continue to push the boundaries of possibility and dream bigger than before.

One of the keys to success is hiring a team of professionals to help. From set up to tear down, we recognize that we can’t do something of this scale on our own. As the vision grows, so does our team’s ability to not only execute the vision, but to be creative in the process.

Much of production’s work happens behind the scenes but is vital to the overall experience. It’s a privilege to help set the stage for what will happen in the room. We work hard to ensure that everything flows smoothly from meeting to meeting in the arena. But our team isn’t limited to just the arena; what happens there is powerful, but so is what takes place outside of the room. We get to play a part in creating the environment in the VOUS Expo and workshops. The spaces might be smaller but they’re no less important – it’s in those spaces that guests from around the world get to connect and continue the conversation from what took place in the arena. Our heart is always to create meaningful connection points to make the global church feel a little smaller.

For an in-depth reflection on the VOUSCon creative process, check out this article. We hope to see you in Miami for VOUSCon 2025: Dying to be Different.

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